Un incendiu a izbucnit într-o cameră administrativă, în subsolul Spitalului Municipal Călărași. La acest moment, nu se impune evacuarea pacienților, incendiul fiind localizat. Update 12:28 -Purtătorul de cuvânt al ISU Călăraşi, Ovidiu Tătăranu, a declarat, pentru News.ro, că pompierii care au intervenit cu mai multe autospeciale au stins rapid incendiul. „Nu a fost nevoie de […]
The text indicates a service is temporarily unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit.
Despite the unrelated error message ("Plan rou de intervenie n Clrai unde un incendiu a izbucnit ntr"), it's important to understand that the core concept is a rate limiting issue. The service provider is likely trying to protect its system from overload by temporarily blocking requests from a specific IP address ( The user will need to wait 10 seconds and then attempt to access the service again.
The text indicates a service is temporarily unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit. Despite the unrelated error message ("Plan rou de intervenie n Clrai unde un incendiu a izbucnit ntr"), it's important to understand that the core concept is a rate limiting issue. The service provider is likely trying to protect its system from overload by temporarily blocking requests from a specific IP address ( The user will need to wait 10 seconds and then attempt to access the service again.